Mirandite: Rules of long term chastity

  1. Try not to pester your Key-holder
  2. Your Key-holder is aware of you even if they do not bolster your ego 24/7
  3. The Key-holder has a plan, they may well not inform you of it, but they DO have one.
  4. The Key-holder has a life beyond your needs.
  5. Do Not panic, keep your mental process (‘shit’) together. Panic is a sign of psychological change, ride the wave.
  6. Do Not obsess over your needs and your desires.
  7. Read books that make you productive, put the passion into your life and self improvement. The Broke Blokes Guide by Grant Caden on Amazon Kindle. Simple, direct, short and very informative.
  8. Long term chastity can diminish you or make you stronger, the choice is YOURS (see rule 7).
  9. Let chastity prove your devotion to your Key-holder.
  10. Chastity is a mutual act, a person who puts you into it actually cares enough to do it. That’s a stronger commitment than the modern marriage vow.

Thank you Mistress Miranda of Hanwell, London UK for the PinkDrink and holding your keys to the lock I wear.

